Dr Joris Witstok FRAS

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

My research interests revolve around galaxy formation and evolution in the early Universe: how the first stars and galaxies were formed, how they for the first time synthesised elements heavier than helium, and how they subsequently brought about the Reionisation of the Universe, a major phase transition that turned the neutral Universe back to a (mostly) ionised state.
Joris Witstok

Research Experience

DAWN fellow
Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN), Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
2024 - present

Postdoctoral research fellow (DAWN Fellow) at the Cosmic Dawn Center, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
2022 - 2024

Multiple first-author publications including in Nature, Principal Investigator of multiple successful ALMA observing programs, Associate Member of the James Webb Space Telescope NIRSpec Instrument Team (allocated 800+ hours telescope time).

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Astrophysics
Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge
2018 - 2022

Supervised by Dr Renske Smit and Prof Roberto Maiolino. Thesis title: Spectroscopic studies of star-forming galaxies and the intergalactic medium in the early Universe. Published four first-author papers, Principal Investigator of Hubble Space Telescope observations.


Master of Advanced Study (MASt) in Astrophysics
Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge
2017 - 2018

Graduated with distinguished performance (Distinction, 85/100). Supervised by Dr Ewald Puchwein, Dr Girish Kulkarni, and Prof Martin Haehnelt.

Double Bachelor of Science in Physics and Astronomy
University of Leiden
2014 - 2017

Graduated cum laude both in Physics and Astronomy (8.9 out of 10 average), combined with Honours College.

Scholarships & Honours

Mike Phillips Award
Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge

Awarded the Mike Phillips Award for the pursuit of excellence in sport (Full Blue in Road Cycling).

Successful Observing Proposals

Origins of Oxygen: ALMA probing chemical enrichment of the first stars

Principal Investigator of ALMA program 2023.1.00336.S

Cold Dust at Cosmic Dawn: uncovering a cool dust reservoir in the Epoch of Reionization

Principal Investigator of ALMA programs 2022.1.00925.S, 2023.1.00379.S, 2024.1.00675.S

Imaging the sites of star formation at sub-kiloparsec scales in the Epoch of Reionization

Principal Investigator of Hubble Space Telescope program ID 16506

Rest-frame UV diagnostics of star-forming galaxies in an extreme protocluster environment at z ~ 3

Co-Principal Investigator of ESO program 105.20RW

Various observing proposals

Co-Investigator on 23 observing programs with James Webb Space Telescope, ALMA, and the Very Large Telescope

Selected Talks & Presentations

European Astronomical Society Meeting 2024
Padova, Italy

Invited speaker at the European Astronomical Society Meeting 2024.

Cardiff University
Cardiff, UK

Invited seminar at Cardiff University.

California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, USA

Invited seminar at the California Institute of Technology.

Royal Astronomical Society
London, UK

Invited seminar at the RAS Astronomy and Geophysics Highlights Meeting and invited panellist at the RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting.

Cosmic Dawn Center
Copenhagen, Denmark

Invited seminar talk at the Cosmic Dawn Center.

Complutense University
Madrid, Spain

Invited seminar at Complutense University.

American Astronomical Society Bi-Annual Meeting
Albuqueque, USA

Invited speaker at the 242nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

Scuola Normale Superiore
Pisa, Italy

Invited seminar talk at the Scuola Normale Superiore.

In Situ View of Galaxy Formation 2
Ringberg, Germany

Invited speaker at the In Situ View of Galaxy Formation 2 Conference.

Teaching & Supervision

  • Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
    2019 - 2022

    Teaching assistant for (under)graduate courses in the Physics department at the University of Cambridge.

  • Physics and Astronomy, University of Leiden
    2015 - 2017

    Teaching assistant for undergraduate courses in the Physics and Astronomy department at the University of Leiden.

Media & Outreach

European Space Agency
2019 - 2022

ESA press release covered by 50+ news outlets including Sky & Telescope.

BNR Nieuwsradio

Radio interview with BNR Dutch national radio (estimated 0.5 million weekly listeners).

Institute of Astronomy Open Evening

Public Lecture at the Open Evening of Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

Leiden University Old Observatory
2015 - 2017

Custodian and tour guide at the Old Observatory of the University of Leiden.

University of Leiden PR team
2015 - 2017

PR Ambassador of the Physics department at the University of Leiden.

Skills & proficiencies

Written Communication

Proven track record in scientific literature (author on 80 publications totalling over 3000 citations).


Principal Investigator of multiple successful ALMA observing programs (30 hours), Co-Chair of the Richard Hills memorial conference committee.

Network & Collaboration

Associate Member of the James Webb Space Telescope NIRSpec instrument team (allocated 800+ hours GTO time).

Communication & Services

Presented scientific results at 20 international conferences, helped organize several, served on multiple departmental committees, developed a publicly available code, acted as referee for major journals (Nature, MNRAS, ApJ).

Mathematical and Statistical Modelling

Noise modelling and marginal signal retrieval, Bayesian inference with MCMC methods (development of publicly available parallelised codes MERCURIUS, lymana_absorption).

Data Analysis & Visualisation

Extensive working experience with pipelines and statistical analysis of large data sets (cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and observational surveys).

Computing & Programming

Highly proficient at Python (NumPy, SciPy, mpi4py, Matplotlib), UNIX, bash, LaTeX, git (6+ years’ working experience); familiar with C++, SQL, HTML, machine-learning methods.

Training & Instructing

Extensive experience (10+ years) of tutoring, supervision (students of undergraduate through PhD level), teaching, and assessment (admission interviews at Cambridge); broad experience as a (professional) coach in baseball, rowing (10+ years).


Dutch (mother tongue), English (fluent).


For references or a more detailed version of my CV, please contact me directly: